TVWDC Events
USCA Sanctioned IGP Trial, USP Trial & Helper Classification
Judge: USCA/SV Craig Groh
September 2, 2023 - IGP trial
September 3, 2023 - USP trial
Helper Classification Entry Form:
available at the event, entry fee is $75
As always, TVWDC is committed to our outside competitors as well as our own member competitors!
Trial Schedule
RH Tracking
IGP trial - 6:45am Tracking
9:30am - Theishof Training Field obedience will begin with IGP & RH dogs obedience/protection, followed by BH dogs (this is to avoid the summer-end heat for the IGP & RH dogs as best possible), followed by BH obedience and traffic test
Helper Classification
USP Trial - 6:45am tracking
Trial is held on private property and can only be limited to trial dogs. Absolutely no dogs not entered in the trial allowed on trial grounds or the street, if you bring a dog not entered in the trial, you will be asked to leave with the dog, no exceptions.
***Trial is held on private property, therefore, proof of dhlp/parvo and rabies required for all trial dogs, no exceptions.***
Please mail proof with your entry.
Hotel Information:
Best Western - 908 Specht Ave, Caldwell, Idaho 83605 - (208) 454-7225
La Quinta - 901 Specht Ave Caldwell, ID 83605 - (208) 454-2222
*** TVWDC has not made arrangements with these hotels***
*** These hotels state they accept dogs, please verify when making your reservation***